Assignment & Assessment Lab

ONLINE Wednesday, October 19

8:30-11:30 AM (NY) / 2:30-5:30 PM (Vienna)

As many institutions are hitting the halfway point through their semesters, CLASP invites faculty from across OSUN to gather to discuss how we create assignments and assessments for our classes.

The role of assessment, both formative and summative, is an essential component in how students learn and how instructors gauge that learning. Through sharing our assignments and assessments, we hope that participants will gain an outside, critically engaged perspective on how their assessments might be read and ways to revise them so that they clearly connect to course goals and student learning outcomes. Participants will be paired with faculty from other OSUN institutions to chat, discuss, and peer review their materials. We look forward to seeing what assignments and assessments you bring and what we can learn from the expertise of our network.

Please bring part of or one full assessment or assignment (that will be graded) that you would like to discuss and review–assessments from all disciplines are welcome.