Our Impact

3040 Participants

173 Events

Our Impact

3040 Participants

173 Events

CLASP has welcomed 3040 participants to 173 events since its founding 3 years ago.

In 2023 alone, 912 OSUN faculty from 23 institutions participated in 58 CLASP events—a total of 7809 participant hours.

CLASP Continuous Evaluation Report for 2021-22

CLASP is committed to a process of ongoing evaluation and refinement of our workshop offerings.  Our first annual report on the efficacy and impact of the work we do is now live.  Read the report.

Workshop Participation

Increase in Workshop Attendance, Feb 2021-22 to Feb 2022-23

Workshop attendance increased by 20% from 2021-22 to 2022-23. This increase was led by deepened engagement at institutions like HELP and Uniandes, where attendance grew dramatically.


CLASP has focused to continuously broaden relationships across newer OSUN institutions that haven’t historically had access to CLASP programming. In 2021, new to CLASP institutions accounted for 34% of total global majority participants. Now they account for 47%.

CLASP Fellows Program

3 Cohorts

19 Institutions

53 Fellows

The CLASP Fellows Program is a 2-year professional development fellowship for early to mid-career faculty who show potential for pedagogical leadership within their home institutions. The program supports faculty fellows as they deepen their skillset to apply and promote student-centered, writing-rich teaching methods central to Liberal Arts and Sciences education.



Upon completion of the program, Fellows understand the impact of this pedagogy on their own students and are able to communicate with faculty peers the hows and whys of these teaching and learning strategies. Their classrooms and institutions benefit by a heightened level of attention paid to how classes are crafted and facilitated as communicated through workshops offered through CLASP and informal faculty peer support on individual campuses.



The inaugural cohort of Fellows will graduate this fall and begin leading workshops across the network, marking the beginning of the program’s truly multiplicative impact.

I find this approach of student-based learning where the process of learning is shifted quite amazing: it switches [the] power balance between imagined instructor and learner.


I am already using writing more in the classroom, and it is helping me create space for both the students’ individual personal reflection and more group engagement.


— CLASP Workshop Participants