Assignments Class Activities Close Reading Discussion OSUN Connected Learning Contest Winners Psychology Resources Seminar Practices Social Sciences Student Engagement Writing

Kristin Lane – Introduction to Prejudice

This assignment, given in the context of a Social Psychology course, introduces key concepts on the cognitive and emotional roots of prejudice as a setup to a three-class unit, and gives students the opportunities to analyze and integrate information in reading, lecture and video formats, to consider the benefits and limits of different methodologies, and to apply course content to novel situations.

Assignments Class Activities OSUN Connected Learning Contest Winners Resources Seminar Practices Student Engagement

John Myers – Using Speech Rhythms to Create Motives

This resource shares an approach to working with students on music composition projects through translating words and brief phrases into melodic building blocks.

Assignments Class Activities Close Reading Curriculum Literature OSUN Connected Learning Contest Winners Resources Seminar Practices Student Engagement Writing

Jennifer Browdy – Inquiry Log Research Project

The inquiry log is an extended research project that includes a detailed record of the entire process of research and writing, so that students are working towards a final project from the very start of the course.

Assignments Class Activities Discussion OSUN Connected Learning Contest Winners Resources Science Seminar Practices

Harold Hastings – Hyper-flipped classroom – Personalized Online Education in the COVID 19 Pandemic

This excerpt from the modified syllabus for a course on climate change offers an approach to making a discussion-oriented class work in a virtual environment.

Assignments Class Activities Resources

Sample Assignment Sequences

This resource provides examples of multi-step assignments that work well in blended/remote courses.

Assignments Resources

Reinventing Revision: Multimodal Projects

This resource covers techniques for revising written work that can be shared with, or assigned to, students.

Assignments Curriculum Resources

Peer Review Sequence

This resource discusses ways to use peer review to help improve student writing and learning.

Assignments Resources Writing

Responding to Student Writing Online

This resource covers ways to respond more effectively to student writing online.