Assignments Class Activities Close Reading Literature Resources Social Sciences Writing

Online Introductory Concept/Writing and Image Exercise

Through inviting students to write in a range of ways, this resource offers strategies to integrate deep reading and discussion of images into the classroom.

Assignments Class Activities Close Reading Discussion Literature Resources Seminar Practices Social Sciences Writing

Online Annotated Bibliographies

By outlining an online annotated bibliography activity, this resource shares an alternative way to engage students in reading, evaluating, and discussing primary and secondary sources.

Class Activities Resources Seminar Practices Social Sciences Student Engagement Writing

Lexicon podcast proposal

This resource offers an example assignment that outlines a step by step process for inviting students to create a podcast with a partner or in small groups.

Class Activities Close Reading FYSEM History Literature Resources Seminar Practices Social Sciences Student Engagement Tech How To Tools Writing

Hashtag Close Reading Assignment

This resource offers a way to invite students to develop a shared annotation key and mark a text accordingly, drawing on online tools like Mentimeter.

Assignments Class Activities Close Reading Discussion FYSEM History Literature Resources Seminar Practices Social Sciences Student Engagement Writing

Dialectical Notebook

This Dialectical Notebook activity invites students into a sustained written conversation about a topic, text or series of texts.

Class Activities Close Reading FYSEM History Literature Resources Seminar Practices Social Sciences Student Engagement Tech How To Tools Writing

Collaborative Close Reading

This resource outlines strategies for engaging students in synchronous close reading using either PDFs or Google Docs.

Assignments Close Reading Curriculum Economics OSUN Connected Learning Contest Winners Resources Social Sciences Writing

Sameh Hallaq – Macroeconomics and COVID Report

This assignment was designed to offer students the opportunity to analyze and present macroeconomic concepts, through a written report and oral presentation, in relation to their different disciplines and the current situation in Palestine.

Class Activities Curriculum Discussion Economics OSUN Connected Learning Contest Winners Resources Social Sciences Student Engagement

Marcus Giamattei – Teaching with Interactive Experiments in Online Classes

This activity offers a way to use interactive simulations to engage students in the analysis of concepts learned in a Macroeconomics course.

Assignments Class Activities Close Reading Discussion OSUN Connected Learning Contest Winners Psychology Resources Seminar Practices Social Sciences Student Engagement Writing

Kristin Lane – Introduction to Prejudice

This assignment, given in the context of a Social Psychology course, introduces key concepts on the cognitive and emotional roots of prejudice as a setup to a three-class unit, and gives students the opportunities to analyze and integrate information in reading, lecture and video formats, to consider the benefits and limits of different methodologies, and to apply course content to novel situations.